Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Understanding the Psychological Needs of Your Child

Most loving well-intentioned parents do their best to meet their children´s needs but psychologists say that there are some particular elements that contribute to the optimum psychological growth of children.
What parent doesn't want their children to be well-adjusted, happy and able to accomplish what they want in life? The truth is that many parents don't realize that their children have some very basic psychological needs that, if not met, may affect their potential to learn and achieve later in life.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Before considering the higher order psychological needs of children it is important to preface the discussion with a general understanding of the basic needs of all people and how humans get their needs met.

Abraham Maslow, a brilliant psychologist who studied human motivation in the '40's and '50's, determined that humans have innate needs that must be met, for the most part, in a particular order.
Often represented in the shape of a pyramid, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs model consists of five levels, ascending from basic survival needs to higher order psychological needs:
Physiological/biological - These needs consist of things like food, water, air and sleep.
Safety - The need for safety would include protection from the elements, the need for laws and limitations and the need for security and stability.
Love and belonging - This requirement is fulfilled through our familial bonds, work relationships, intimate relationships and friendships.
Esteem - Esteem needs are met through our ability to recognize competency in accomplishing tasks, mastery of our area of expertise, ability to handle responsibility, status, and prestige.
Self-actualization - The final level of need is when a human is self-governed, self-fulfilled and realizes their full potential at a creative level.
According to Maslow, when a lower need more

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