Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ideas for Saving Money on Gas

The current economic climate calls for stretching the budget and pinching pennies whenever and wherever possible.  With gasoline prices skyrocketing, it makes sense to put cutting fuel costs high on the priority list.  Here are a few tips to give you a good start in getting the most out of the money you spend on gasoline:
·         Plan errands around other necessary trips like taking the kids to school or going to work.  You will save a bundle if you stop by the grocery store, dry cleaners, bank or drug store on your way to or from other necessary driving trips.
·         Carpool.  Chances are there are people in your circle who live and work in the same area as you. Taking turns driving or sharing fuel costs means savings for everyone involved.
·         Keep your car maintained.  Oil changes, filter changes and other recommended maintenance will make your car run better, last longer and allow for better gas mileage.
·         Use a credit card that offers gas rebates.  Many cards give you as much as 5% back on gas purchases.  While it doesn’t seem like much, it adds up over the course of a year.
·         Keep your tires properly inflated.  Maintaining correct tire pressure will give you better gas mileage, as well as extending the life of your tires.
·         Roll the windows down when you are going slow, but keep them up when you are on the freeway.  Rolled down windows create excessive drag on your vehicle when you are going fast, so only roll your windows down when you are doing start and stop driving in the city.
·         Use low octane fuel.  This alone could potentially save hundreds of dollars every year.  Unless you own a car that specifically calls for higher octane fuel, you are wasting your money by buying it.  Stick with the lesser expensive gasoline and save your money.
·         Keep extra weight out of the trunk.  The heavier your vehicle is, the more fuel it takes to operate.  Store your stuff in your garage, not in your trunk.
·         Utilize your GPS system.  It will keep you from making wrong turns and getting lost.
·         Keep a steady speed.  Braking and accelerating takes more fuel than simple driving at a steady speed. 
Tough times call for creative ways to save money.  By implementing some extra planning and using common sense, you can combat soaring fuel prices.

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