Saturday, January 28, 2012

Banishing Four Common Parenting Myths

“Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories.”  – John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester

Parenting is a challenging endeavor and many moms and dads complicate the process by adopting some rather frustrating myths.  What do you believe concerning good parenting and well-behaved children?  Common Myths Consider the following myths about parenting and honestly evaluate whether you are consciously or unconsciously buying into them.

Myth #1 – Committed parents who are emotionally connected have children that are naturally well-behaved. The truth of the matter is that even loving, committed and engaged parents have children that act up from time to time.  The mistake that parents make is unfairly associating a child’s actions or imperfections to the level of love and care that a parent offers their child.  The fact is that children are human and they are going to throw temper tantrums and pitch fits no matter how emotionally connected their parents are to them.  Those types of behaviors are just part of being immature and they are not a direct reflection on your level of commitment to the parenting process.  Conduct that adults label as “misbehavior” is really a more

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