Sunday, August 21, 2011

Zucchini Gruyere Casserole

This fantastic side dish is easy to make, rich and cheesy, and chock full of nutritious zucchini.

1 package of crescent rolls
2 or 3 sliced or diced zucchini
1/2 a medium onion, diced
 1/2 pound gruyere or swiss cheese
1 egg
1 tablespoon or so minced garlic
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs (other types of bread crumbs would work too)
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Start by sautéing onion and zucchini in a little bit of olive oil over medium heat - about 10 minutes. While veggies are sautéing, open a can of crescent rolls and remove dough. Press into lightly greased casserole dish. Make sure you press out all perforations and spread dough up the sides of the casserole dish. Remove veggies from heat. In a food processor, grate gruyere cheese. You can also do this by hand, but the food processor is much faster. Mix gruyere with beaten egg and add it to slightly cooled zucchini mixture. Add garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Pour over crescent roll dough in casserole dish. Mix panko bread crumbs with a little olive oil and sprinkle top of casserole. Bake for about 30 minutes.

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