Thursday, September 1, 2011

How Childhood Sibling Relationships Can Affect Adult Behavior

How much influence do childhood brother/sister relationships have on our adult life? It seems that much of our adult emotional and social influence can largely be attributed to the quality of our sibling relationships early on. While parents teach us the proper way to perform socially, siblings teach us how to get along with friends and peers. A parent's responsibility consists of teaching children principles and skills relating to manners, respect for authority and acting appropriately in public. A sibling, however, acts more like a mentor in the realm of socialization.

Is Sibling Influence Good or Bad?

Studies show that younger children that have a good relationship with their positively motivated siblings are more apt to experience a productive adulthood. But what about those siblings who smoke, drink and engage in other delinquent behavior? The younger child will likely pick up on that behavior and will be more inclined more

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