Monday, January 16, 2012

Talking to Teens about Forgiveness

Because so many adults put so little thought into or value upon the concept of extending forgiveness to others, it’s no wonder that teens often have a difficult time understanding and implementing this very important concept.

Taking a Lesson from Little Kids

For the most part, young children have a natural ability to forgive one another.  Just like older kids, children may get angry and frustrated with their playmates and they often declare I’m not your friend anymore!  Then a few minutes later the matter is forgotten and they are playing amicably with their counterpart again.  As children get older, however, they learn some harmful habits like keeping score, expecting everything to be fair all of the time, and holding grudges.  At times, parents can even be found holding grudges for their children.  As such, it becomes increasingly important to cultivate and nurture a forgiving attitude.  If adolescents fail to learn to forgive, their more

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