Monday, February 6, 2012

Balancing Work and Life: Two Essential Elements

For many working adults, managing the demands of a career in addition to constantly having to juggle the obligations of a busy household is becoming more of a challenge.  Oftentimes, the requirements that create a negative pull on a person’s time result in overwork, over-exhaustion, and high levels of stress.

The Balancing Act

It’s important to remember that the true harmony found in managing work and family life is not always a completely balanced equation.  The hours you spend at work versus the hours spent with family may change from time to time, or even day to day, depending upon you and your family’s circumstances.  Regardless of how your day is divvied up, there are two elements that should always take the center stage in your awareness and remain constant:   Success and satisfaction.


All too often, society stresses the importance of success and achievement as it relates to financial gains, material assets, and career performance.  In fact, that emphasis can be very important to many areas of life, including a healthy self-esteem.  Success, however, is a relative term that would be better defined subjectively according to the individual person, rather than objectively, as classified by society. In the broadest sense, more

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