Friday, December 9, 2011

Can Students Benefit from Mindulness Training?

Contrary to popular belief, children and teens experience stress and anxiety just like adults.  Children can get stressed out over hearing their parents argue, sickness or disability within the family, dissent among siblings, divorce, and a host of other domestic issues.  Then there are school experiences that can be just as stressful such as social tension with peers and teachers, keeping up with assignments, or performing in sports activities. Even current world events cause many students to experience excessive amounts of anxiety.  More and more, experts are seeing the benefit of mindfulness training in helping students independently relieve the stress loads that they encounter on a daily basis.  Furthermore, teaching these important principles of focused attention to children forms a beneficial habit that is carried over into adulthood.  Learning to practice mindfulness in response to stress is certainly one of the most useful tools that youngsters can acquire in order to help them navigate the difficult times in their lives.

What is Mindfulness?

Although an expansive subject, mindfulness, in a nutshell, is the state where a person becomes more aware of the here and now and refrains from paying so much attention to the past or future.  Mindfulness is being in the present moment; it is being awake; it is becoming aware of more

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