Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Teaching Kids to Give at Christmas

In today's world, you see a common theme running through cities, neighborhoods, and even in individual families:  "Mine!"

This "mine" mentality can make it hard for parents to teach the principle of giving to their children.  Invariably, children think of Christmas as a time for getting more stuff, but it may be a good opportunity for a paradigm shift into giving mode.  Here is one very simple example of how to teach your child the concept of charitable giving:

  • Fill up a box for donation. Sometime before Christmas, get a good-sized box and ask your child to fill it with all of the toys that they no longer play with.  Include clothes that are no longer worn, as well. It sometimes helps if the child can see wrapped presents under the tree with their names on them.
  • Talk about it.  Explain to your child that there are many children who have unmet needs and whose parents cannot provide them with gifts.  Most children do not realize that life is different for other people.  They think in terms of their own reality.
  • Let them do the giving.  When the  box is full, let them be the ones to actually do the giving. 
Of course, the best way to teach charitable giving is to be a model.  Let your kids see you filling up your own boxes and they will naturally want to follow suit.

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